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OpenShift Pod Independent Usage Metrics (OPIUM) pulling & aggregating metrics from multiple pods made easy!

Aggregating metrics from pods through OKD’s router can be a challenge. OPIUM offers the next best thing. While it doesn’t (yet) aggregate the varius metrics it gathers the metrics from the defined Deployment Configs on a specific OKD project and serves them to a single /metrics endpoint. This way it allows for easier gathering of per-pod metrics.


OPIUM is configured through environment variables and specifically the following:

  • OPIUM_OKD_URL => The url of the OKD instance’s master, including the scheme and without a trailing /

  • OPIUM_OKD_TOKEN => An access token for a service account with view and edit permissions on the desired project

  • OPIUM_PROJECT => Project to be exported

  • OPIUM_DEPLOYMENT_CONFIGS => Comma separated (no spaces) list of Deployment Configs to export

OKD Preparation

In your OKD admin CLI you will need to run the following

# create a service account
oc create serviceaccount <account>
# Retrieve the service account's access token (set this to OPIUM_OKD_TOKEN)
oc serviceaccounts get-token <account>
# Give the service account the required permissions to the desired project
oc policy add-role-to-user view system:serviceaccount:<project>:<account>
oc policy add-role-to-user edit system:serviceaccount:<project>:<account>


To start OPIUM (after you’ve set the configuration environment variables appropriately) simly run:


This will spawn an HTTP server listening on your system’s public interface and on port 8080.

Configuration for the listening interface, as well as a containerized version of OPIUM will follow in later versions.


  • Gather the response of /metrics from all the pods of the specified deployment_config

  • Serve them as one response


This package was created with Cookiecutter and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.